Scholarships & Endowments

The MCC Foundation is proud to provide over 40 unique scholarships to a variety of students based on their GPA, financial need, area of study, and more.

First Community College in Colorado with Endowed Chairs!

MCC graduate from the Radiologic Technology program takes x-ray images of a patient's hand.

Morgan Community College Foundation holds the esteemed honor of being the only Colorado Community College that has a university model endowed chair. In fact, we have two! The Williams Family Foundation has donated to support the Director position of the Radiology Tech Program and the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) program. This generous gift allows MCC to lower the cost of the program for our students while in turn giving them scholarships to support their educational dreams.

Male nurse and MCC graduate of the MCC ADN and BSN program, James Carwin, in scrubs standing in a hospital hallway.

All amounts listed are contributed on an annual basis, unless otherwise noted.

Foundation Scholarship application is open starting Dec 1. Priority deadline is April 1, 2025.

Agriculture Business Management Scholarship


  • Must be enrolled in the Ag/Business Management program
  • Donations come from various sources
Anonymous CTE Scholarships & Program Endowment

Multiple awards up to $3,000 per student annually

  • Enrolled in a Career and Technical Education (CTE) program
  • Financial need
Brad Amack Memorial Scholarship

Award amount varies.

  • 2.5 grade average or higher
  • Financial need
  • Full time student
  • Attends one of the centers in the MCC area
Anderson Family HOPE Fund


Non-Traditional Student

  • Requires FAFSA completion
  • Up to $500 semester (the amount can increase with tuition increases)
  • Open for late applicants
  • Students within two semesters for degree completion
  • Students who recently left workforce for training
  • Student who would have to take out loans
  • Financial Aid staff will determine recipients
Bank of Colorado Scholarship
Multiple awards ranging from $1,000 to $1,500; total of $3,000 will be awarded annually

  • Must be a resident of Morgan County
  • Enrolled in a CTE (non-medical), Agriculture, or Business program
  • 2.0 or higher cumulative GPA
  • Enrollment in a minimum of six credit hours
  • Preference given to a Morgan County account holder at Bank of Colorado or a close family member having a Bank of Colorado account
Frances Bird Scholarship Endowment


  • The award may be used for tuition, fees, and books
  • Non-traditional female, not limited to mothers
  • Awarded after student completes first semester of post-secondary education
  • History of academic achievement
  • The Scholarship Committee for the MCC Foundation, college staff and Frances Bird/Kris Bird will participate in review of applications.
Viola Bristol Johnson Memorial Scholarship

  • Non-traditional aged student pursuing a teaching or education degree, or if none meet that criteria, a non-traditional aged student pursuing any eligible degree
  • Available to any student in the MCC service area
  • Award may be renewed for a second year
Camp-Johnson Scholarship Endowment

Multiple awards up to $1,500 per student annually

  • Enrolled in the following CTE programs:
    • Automotive Service Technology
    • Industrial Electrical & Mechanical Maintenance
    • Precision Agriculture
    • Welding Technologies
    • Construction Trades
    • Agriculture & Business Management
  • Scholarship may be awarded to students in other CTE programs if no students meet the above criteria
  • Renewable
  • 2.0 grade point average or higher
  • Financial need
Cargill Scholarship

  • Essay responses required
  • Letter of recommendation required
  • Preference is given to Cargill employees/ family members
  • Definite April 1 Deadline
Centers Scholarships

Amount varies.

  • Various scholarships for each Center in Bennett, Burlington, Limon, and Wray areas.
  • Distribution of funds are at the discretion of the Center Director in consultation with financial aid.
  • Criteria varies as does the annual scholarship amount.
COSI – Colorado Opportunity Scholarship Initiative

Colorado- Colorado Opportunity Scholarship Initiative

$165,554 for 2024-2025

  • Scholarships for Colorado students who are US citizens
  • Last $ in
  • Scholarship covers tuition assistance, including tuition, fees, books, housing, food and transportation

Student eligibility criteria:

  • Colorado students
  • Up to 250% Pell eligible (This translates to an EFC of approximately $13,000 and an approximate family income range up to $45,000-78,000.)
  • Participation in a rigor-based student success program
  • Enrollment in a community college course or a degree or certificate program
  • Complete all coursework with a C or better to remain eligible

Prioritize when awarding:

  1. Degree seeking students
  2. Goal: Increase credential completion
  3. Strong preference to create ethnic diversity among scholarship recipients
Robert Datteri Presidential Scholarship
  • Based on MCC President’s discretion
  • Encourages Enrollment
  • Supports Program Development
  • Assists students in costs of specialized training
  • $1,600 per year to be divided among a group of students taking a specialized program/class as identified by the MCC President/Management Leadership Team.
Robert F and Janet R Datteri Nursing Scholarship


  • GPA of 3.0 or higher
  • Accepted into the MCC Nursing Program
  • Based on financial need
  • Selected by the Foundation Scholarship Committee
Datteri Family Endowment Scholarship


  • Requires FAFSA completion
  • Up to $500 semester (the amount can increase with tuition increases)
  • Open for late applicants
  • Students within two semesters for degree completion
  • Students who recently left workforce for training
  • Student who would have to take out loans
  • Financial Aid staff will determine recipients
Datteri CTE Scholarship Endowment


  • Prefer 5 students to receive up to a $2,000 annual scholarship toward their classes in a CTE program.
  • Eligibility will be determined by the financial need of the student.
  • Students will receive funds one semester at a time and the students will be eligible for the second semester if they meet the requirements of their program.
  • Selected initially by MCC Foundation Scholarship Committee.
Gene Doty Health Scholarships & Programs Endowment

Multiple awards up to $3,000 per student annually

  • Enrolled in an eligible health program
  • Students throughout MCC service area are eligible
  • Financial need
Thelma Downing Family Scholarship


  • Non-traditional student
  • First preference to a student in the Agriculture and Business Management (ABM) program and/or Precision Agriculture program.
  • If no student applies or is eligible in the ABM or Precision Agriculture program, scholarship is open to any non-traditional student who applies.
FMS Bank/Delmer P Keating Scholarship


  • Major in Business
  • Financial Need
Fort Morgan DOES Scholarship


  • Awarded to a graduating senior at any Morgan County high school.
  • Cumulative GPA of 2.5 to 3.8
  • Complete the DOES scholarship application form available from high school counselor
Fort Morgan Retired School Employees Association Scholarship


  • Degree/designation must be related to Education
  • Recent high school graduate
  • Student must be from the following counties: Morgan, Cheyenne, Kit Carson, Lincoln, Logan, Phillips, Sedgwick, Washington or Yuma
E. Earl Franks Scholarship Endowment

PURPOSE – This scholarship is established by Bonnie Franks to honor the memory of E. Earl Franks who died in 1993 and to encourage and assist men and women to attain their higher education goals.

  • Financial Need
  • Full-time or part-time students planning to attend MCC
  • 21 years of age or older – non-traditional
  • First preference is a student living in Morgan County
  • Second preference is a student living within the service area of MCC
  • Enroll in minimum of six hours
  • Additional awards may be granted if the endowment principal grows and additional earnings are available.
Goetz Family Scholarship


  • Must reside in Morgan County for at least 1 year prior to applying
  • Must be a graduate from a high school in Morgan County
  • Should demonstrate a desire to reside in and contribute to the economy in Northeast Colorado after graduation
  • Must pursue a degree that is either in Business or be of employment value to a business employer that is not in a field of medicine
  • Must provide a personal interview at the discretion of Selection Committee. Selection Committee is comprised of 1 designated faculty member from MCC, and the following family members: Barbara Keenan MA; Dr. Alexandra (Alix) Keenan MA, Aud.; and Kathryn Goetz Hoskins MS.
  • Award constitutes: If funding is available, an annual scholarship shall consist of
    • Tuition and fees for 2 semesters for a full-time student;
    • $500 annual allowance for books;
    • Up to $100 per month cash for personal expenses for 9 months.
    • Three annual scholarships consisting of tuition and fees for two semesters will be awarded.  One of these scholarships shall be reserved for an existing recipient to continue his/her second year, assuming he/she maintains a 2.5 grade point average in the first two semesters.
Golden Belt Bank Scholarship


  • Must reside in Colorado
  • Pursuing a degree in Business, preferably with an emphasis in Finance or Business Administration
  • Selection of student will be completed through the MCC Foundation scholarship award process
Gramlich Nursing Scholarship


  • Student accepted for admission to the MCC LPN and/or RN program
  • Demonstrates financial need
  • Morgan County Resident
  • Scholarship is renewable providing the following requirements are met
    • Continued enrollment in MCC LPN or RN programs
    • Enrolled in minimum of 6 hours per semester
    • Maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.5
    Norrene Harker Memorial Scholarship


    • Must have Kit Carson County Address
    • Attend MCC – any campus/center
    • Director from MCC Burlington Center needs to be a part of the selection process
    Bill Hinkhouse Memorial Scholarship

    • Available to students in the Burlington area
    • Priority to a student with unmet financial need
    Grace Huttig Roberts Family Scholarship


    • Scholarship is open to all students who submit an application
    HOSPES of Morgan County Scholarship


    • Morgan County Resident
    • Enrolled in Health Occupation program of study
    Ingmire-Phillips Insurance Scholarship


    • GPA of 2.5 or higher
    • Based on Need
    Kit Carson County Golden Prairies Scholarship


    • Must have Kit Carson County Address
    • Attend MCC – any campus/center
    • Director from MCC Burlington Center needs to be a part of the selection process
    Arthur James Lee Scholarship Endowment


    • Prefer 1 student to receive an annual scholarship of $1,000 toward their classes.
    • Eligibility will be determined by the financial need of the student and will be a non-traditional student.
    • Student will receive funds one semester at a time.
    • Scholarship recipients will initially be selected by the MCC Foundation Scholarship Committee.
    Harold McArthur Memorial Scholarship


    • Kit Carson County resident
    • Attend MCC
    • Based on need
    • At least one annual recipient must be female
    • Will be selected by Foundation scholarship committee
    MCC Foundation General Scholarship

    Amount varies

    • For all students
    • No specific grade point specified
    • Awards based on total point accumulation from judging of scholarship application, grades, reference letter, etc.
    • Any remaining non-awarded/unaccepted funds are awarded upon the determination of the Office of Financial Aid
    Donald C and Loretta M Price Endowment


    • Student must complete MCC application for admission for fall semester
    • Submit FAFSA by April 1
    • Meet Colorado residency requirements
    • Be in a financial aid eligible program of study
    • Student must be enrolled full-time
    • Selected by MCC Financial Aid Staff
    David E. Price Scholarship


    Preferred Qualification – Pre-Engineering student (Math or Science Emphasis)

    • Student must complete MCC application for admission for fall semester
    • Submit FAFSA by April 1
    • Meet Colorado residency requirements
    • Be in a financial aid eligible program of study
    • Student must be enrolled full-time
    • Selected by MCC Financial Aid Staff
    June Marie Scarinzi, RN Memorial Scholarship


    • Tuition, fees and books for nursing student from Limon
    • Determined by Limon Director
    • May be used for one or more students per semester
    • Need based
    • Student desires to become LPN or RN
    Dr. Jarry Schaefer Family Endowment Scholarship


    • First preference to a student enrolled full-time in the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) Degree Program. Second preference to a student enrolled in 6 credits or more in the BSN program.
    • First preference to a student from the Morgan County area. Second preference to a student outside of Morgan County.
    • Renewable year after year until degree is complete.
    • Selection of student will be made by the MCC Foundation Scholarship Committee.
    Sunrise Optimist Club Memorial Scholarship


    • Fort Morgan High School Graduate
    T.E.A.C.H. Early Childhood Scholarship


    • Students must be employed full-time in child care setting (up to 20 hours a week)
    • Must have worked at child care program for at least 90 days when applying
    • Providers must have been licensed for at least one year
    • Earn $17 an hour or less for providers / Earn $25 an hour or less for directors/owners
    • Pursuing ECE degree, credential or certificate
    Harvey (Corky) and Connie Tomky Scholarship


    • Priority given to recent graduates from Weldon Valley High School. If a student from WVHS is not eligible then the scholarships can go to a Brush High School graduate.
    • Student needs to be enrolling in a CTE Program.
    • Eligibility will be determined by the financial need of the student.
    • Once applications are reviewed and eligible students are determined, the guidance counselor at WVHS will review candidates and give input on scholarship recipients.
    • Students will receive funds one semester at a time.
    • If a recent graduate isn’t available/eligible to receive the scholarship the students that received the scholarship the year prior are eligible to receive the funds.
    VFW Post 2551 Veterans Scholarship


    • Veteran
    • First preference is for a Morgan County resident
    E. Ord and Ruth Wells Family Endowment Scholarship


    • Medical student that currently resides in Morgan County.
    • Need-based with a preference of a student that works or has worked at Valley View Villa or a licensed care facility.
    • Renewable from year one to year two if the student applies and meets their degree criteria.
    • Selection determined by the scholarship committee.
    Patty Wickstrom Memorial Scholarship


    • Must be from Weldon Valley area (preferably a high school graduate within the last five years) or, if no recipient is available, open to a Morgan County resident.
    • Students must complete the FAFSA. Priority will be given to a student that has financial need as determined by the FAFSA.
    • Student will receive funds one semester at a time and student will be eligible for the second semester if they meet the requirements of their program.
    • Scholarship recipients will be initially selected by the MCC Foundation Scholarship Committee in conjunction with the Wickstrom Family. The Family will be notified of the recipient prior to awarding.
    Williams Family Foundation Scholarship

    PURPOSE – This scholarship is established by The Williams Family Foundation for students attending MCC for study in one of its health related fields.

    • Awards to be divided over fall and spring semester
    • Minimum 3.0 GPA or proven ability to succeed at the collegiate level
    • Must be enrolled full-time in one of the health related fields offered by MCC
    • Renewable for second year
    • Available to all except Morgan County High School graduates who are eligible to apply for a Williams Family Scholarship through their respective high school
    • The applicant demonstrates a desire to remain in Northeast Colorado after graduation