Behavioral Intervention Team


Morgan Community College (MCC) cares about the safety, health, and well-being of its students, faculty, and staff, and strives to maintain a safe and secure learning environment. The purpose of MCC’s Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) is to assess, discuss and recommend interventions to the appropriate campus departments, or persons in response to reported physical and psychological issues that impact students, faculty and staff in pursuit of the educational process.

Reporting a Concern

If you are concerned about a MCC student, please tell us!

If the situation does not involve imminent danger or health risk, use the Student of Concern form to report a situation regarding:

  • A student’s mental state or well being
  • Disruptive of inappropriate behaviors in the classroom or on campus
  • A student who you believe poses a threat to themselves or others

In cases where an individual’s behavior poses an imminent threat to you or another, contact 911 immediately!


For a full list of resources on a variety of topics including mental health help, addiction services, food/housing, etc. visit our Resources page.


BIT meets monthly or as needed in the event a situation arises that requires immediate review and intervention.


All persons involved in the BIT meetings and assessments are to adhere to the laws and regulations that govern the disclosure of student information. Any names that are discussed will be kept in the strictest confidence. Such information is only disclosed on an administrative need to know basis and only according to the relevant statutes, policies and procedures that govern such disclosure.

Procedures when a meeting is convened

  • Assess the situation to understand the issue
  • Identify those who may be affected and need support
  • Assure appropriate services are recommended and available
  • Follow-up to evaluate what services have taken place and the impact of those services in closing the situation
  • Initiate and recommend further actions if needed

BIT Members

Sally Shawcroft (Chair)
Dean of Students

Charlene Carrera
Nursing Faculty

Maria Cardenas
Director of Admissions and Advising

Deb Coates
Vice President of Instruction

Gary Dukes
Vice President of Student Services

Holly Haman-Marcum
Director of Regional Community Outreach – Burlington and Wray

Bill Miller
Precision Agriculture Faculty / Division Chair for CTE

Please contact any of the BIT members if you have questions or concerns regarding a student.