Interlibrary Loan
What is Interlibrary Loan (ILL)?
If the MCC Library does not have the title you need, follow these steps to request materials from other Colorado Libraries.
Textbooks, DVDs and certain materials excluded. Wait times vary 10-14 days, so place requests early. More information below.
Step 1: Search Prospector Catalog
Step 2: Fill out the form below
Step 3: You will be notified when your item arrives
Who may use Interlibrary Loan?
Borrowing materials?
Most requests are free of charge and you will be notified if there is a cost involved. Many requests can be filled within 10 business days; however, some requests may take longer. Many libraries do not have college textbooks or DVDs available to loan, and generally are unable to fill requests for newly released titles less than a year old in accordance with customary interlibrary loan practices.
Loan periods
Items are non-renewable.
What happens if I return my Interlibrary Loan items late?
Every effort should be made to return borrowed Interlibrary Loan (ILL) materials on time. If your ILL materials become overdue, additional items cannot be checked out until the materials are returned. No fines will be assessed for overdue materials returned in good condition within seven days.
A notice will be sent, which will be considered a bill when ILL items are seven (7) days overdue. A hold may be placed on student’s records until all Interlibrary Loan materials are returned in good condition or the fee is paid.  Replacement costs and processing charges are waived if all materials are returned undamaged and before restitution is made to the lending library. Unpaid patron accounts may be sent to a collection agency.
Material that is lost or damaged will be replaced at the expense of the borrower.
Library card privileges may be limited or suspended by the lending library or Morgan Community College.
Other libraries
Other libraries that would like to borrow materials from our collection, please contact our library at [email protected] or (970) 542-3185.