Eligible Faculty & Instructors(Required) CLICK TO CHOOSE A FACULTY OR INSTRUCTOR... CHOOSE ONE FACULTY or INSTRUCTOR... Carrasco, Monica (Faculty) Carrera, Charlene (Faculty) Correa, Jorge (Faculty) Czuprynski, Amanda (Faculty) Darar, Mahad (Faculty) David, Kiley (Faculty) Dupsky, Lynnette (Faculty) Feuerstein, Daniel (Faculty) Frenier, Sarah (Faculty) Garcilazo, Aaron (Faculty) Gonzalez, Erin (Faculty) Hochanadel, Jamie (Faculty) Hosier, Brooke (Faculty) Jenson, Desryan (Faculty) Johnson, Kristopher (Faculty) Kuper, Carol (Faculty) Larson, Raylene (Faculty) Lasegue, Christian (Faculty) Magie, Ewan (Faculty) Meyer, Susan (Faculty) Michaelis, Lyndsey (Faculty) Michel, Brady (Faculty) Miller, William (Faculty) Mitchell, Constance (Faculty) O'Connor De Los Rios, Divinity (Faculty) Parker, W (Faculty) Purves, Dianne (Faculty) Sandoval, Bridget (Faculty) Schneider, Taylor (Faculty Sjostedt, Steve (Faculty) Sperry, Renee (Faculty) Stretcher, Jay (Faculty) Taylor, Jamie (Faculty) Thomas, Leah (Faculty) Vanlare, Ian (Faculty) Walek, Eric (Faculty) Watkins, Sara (Faculty) Weingarten, Contstance (Faculty) Wunsch, Tyler (Faculty) Abbott, Rebecca (Instructor) Allart, Shaylene (Instructor) Ashmore, Richard (Instructor) Atkins, Lisa (Instructor) Babcock, Madalyn (Instructor) Backman, Kristine (Instructor) Ballard, Todd (Instructor) Baradan, Saad (Instructor) Bellefeuille, Brandie (Instructor) Bellendir, Michael (Instructor) Berohn, Jonathan (Instructor) Boodakian, Carol (Instructor) Bowman, Andrew (Instructor) Brachtenbach, Staci (Instructor) Briggs-Jackson, Darcy (Instructor) Brink, Julia (Instructor) Butler, Rufina (Instructor) Chacon, Maria (Instructor) Chouinard, Margaret (Instructor) Cinco, Claro (Instructor) Cloyd, Daniel (Instructor) Cody, Shawn (Instructor) Coito, Deborah (Instructor) Cook, Samantha (Instructor) Cosgrove, Meghan (Instructor) Costanzo, Rebecca (Instructor) Couch, Alicia (Instructor) Cox, Katlyn (Instructor) Davis, Amber (Instructor) DeMaria, Bianca (Instructor) DeStefano, Sam (Instructor) Denes, Brittany (Instructor) Diaz, Carlos (Instructor) Dodge, Darel (Instructor) Dohman, Karena (Instructor) Dossey, Brian (Instructor) Escamilla, Marlon (Instructor) Etl, Mary (Instructor) Evans, Roseanne (Instructor) Fajardo, Jacob (Instructor) FitzGibbon, Patricia (Instructor) Freeman, Travis (Instructor) Gerken, Dawn (Instructor) Glasmann Skaggs, Michelle (Instructor) Gossett, Danielle (Instructor) Grant, Kristin (Instructor) Greenleaf, Melissa (Instructor) Hagerty, Kathleen (Instructor) Harder, Jessica (Instructor) Harrington, Jaimie (Instructor) Hawkey, Elizabeth (Instructor) Hayes, Shane (Instructor) Hendrickson, Amy (Instructor) Heuston, Christin (Instructor) Hillyer, Audrey (Instructor) Hochanadel, Carolyn (Instructor) Hoffmeister, Erica (Instructor) Hunter, Nichole (Instructor) Hureau, Marcelle (Instructor) Jones, Stephen (Instructor) Juhnke, Beth (Instructor) Kaster, Grant (Instructor) Kitterman, Melissa (Instructor) Kochevar, Lisa (Instructor) Kondos, Alexander (Instructor) Larson, Stacy (Instructor) LeVeaux, Meggin (Instructor) Lind, Michael (Instructor) Littrell, Patrick (Instructor) McCary, Jane (Instructor) McCormick, Lindsey (Instructor) McDaniel, Cory (Instructor) Misiaszek, Joseph (Instructor) O'Neill, Alyce (Instructor) Olsen, Damon (Instructor) Owens, Carrie (Instructor) Phillips, Roxanne (Instructor) Queen, Jyll (Instructor) Rebis, Kelley (Instructor) Rector, Krista (Instructor) Rhodes, Brandon (Instructor) Schoenfeld, Kacy (Instructor) Senn, Kimberly (Instructor) Smyth, Nathaniel (Instructor) Snoeck, Julie Ann (Instructor) Snyder, Casey (Instructor) Thomas, Amber (Instructor) Thomas, Rachel (Instructor) Toot, Amanda (Instructor) Van Doren, Robert (Instructor) Waddell, Judy (Instructor) Watson, Randy (Instructor) Weide, Jeffrey (Instructor) White, Jeremy (Instructor) Wilson, Sarah (Instructor) Wilson, James (Instructor) Wilson-Porras, Deborah (Instructor) Wright, Su (Instructor) Zarlengo, Marcus (Instructor) Ziai, Reza (Instructor) Zivojinovic, John (Instructor) Swirn, Morgan (Instructor)
Faculty who have been recipients of this award in the past five years, or are provisional (within their first three-four years of hire), or limited are not eligible for nominations. Instructors who have been recipients of this award in the past five years are not eligible for nominations. YOU MAY SUBMIT ONE FORM PER FACULTY AND INSTRUCTOR (for a total of two nominations).