All research studies should have key elements, either in a PowerPoint/slides presentation or in a poster presentation (template available to guide you):
- Introduction – Topic. What is it? Why are you interested in it?
- Key Concepts – Definitions and explanations of key ideas, quotes from scholars and key individuals from the field of study
- Process, Examples, or Data – Connections to other topics, life, career, family
- Conclusions – What did you learn, what does it mean to you personally or professionally? What does it teach others? How does it apply to other situations?
- Graphics – have about 3 pictures, graphs, charts (and media for PowerPoint presenters) that relate to your topic. Provide an explanation
- References – List the sources of information you used
- Contact Information – Your name and college email address
PowerPoint: It is highly recommended that if you choose to do a PowerPoint presentation that you ensure it has some rich media (good images, videos, audio) as needed.
IMPORTANT NOTE ABOUT PRINTING: Whatever tool you use (Canva, Word, etc) if you want a large poster printed you must make the size of the document the actual size you want the poster printed at. So if you want a 48″wide by 36″tall poster, make your document that size from the start. Then export as a PDF as that makes a “picture” of your poster so when you send it to be printed the printer doesn’t have to have the same fonts and images on their computer that you had on yours.
Canva Template: Visit, sign up for a free account, and then use this 30″ x 20″ STEM Research Series template to create your poster. You can move the elements around or create your own layout – this is just a guideline if you want it and to show the type of content that would help present a whole picture of your project.
Canva Tutorial Videos: