Summer Semester

Register today! Classes start May 27, 2025.

Summer semester at MCC includes 10-week and 8-week accelerated courses. Now is the time to get ahead in your degree/certificate, complete your program internships or clinicals, or enhance your skillset with one-off classes.

If this is your last semester you MUST apply to graduate to receive your certificate or degree.

Tuition Free Courses

Each summer MCC offers tuition-free summer courses that give you a chance to explore new topics and career choices.

Must complete Institutional Grant/Scholarship Application and pay any fees. In-state tuition only.

  1. Apply to MCC
  2. Register for Classes – Register for classes through MyMCC using the Course Registration Number (CRN) listed.
  3. Fill Out the “Institutional Grant/Scholarship Application”
  4. Buy Textbooks
A roller coaster upside down

Pre-requisite for the Physical Therapist Assistant program now taking applications for fall.

PHY 1105 Conceptual Physics w/ Lab
Guaranteed Transfer Course

Tue, Wed, Thu
4 Credits
Classroom Based, Fort Morgan Campus
May 27 – Aug 01
CRN: 13799

A wall with drawn smiley faces pinned to it but a different color page with the words Deviant Behavior on it.

SOC 2031 Sociology of Deviant Behavior
Guaranteed Transfer Course

3 Credits
Remote Hybrid
May 27 – Aug 01
CRN: 13696

Two scientists putting water samples in test tubes next to a body of water near a power plant

ENV 1111 Environmental Science w/ Lab
Guaranteed Transfer Course

Mon, Wed
4 Credits
Remote Real-Time
May 27 – Aug 01
CRN: 13692

Strips of different faces to make one portrait to demonstrate race and ethnicity

LIT 2005 Race, Ethnicity, Culture
Guaranteed Transfer Course

3 Credits
Remote Real-Time
May 27 – Aug 01
CRN: 13767